There is a little tiny island off the North Coast of San Andres called Jonny Cay (pronounced "Key") which was an awesome 1/2 day trip. The main side of the island was fairly packed with people but the far side (where we are in this picture) had almost noone on it. I spent a bunch of time back here just sitting in the waves. In the pic above we are on the very back of the island that was just a little rocky.

Ok, here I am with my two best friends. On the left is a fresh pina colada made in a coconut. On the right is my bottle of 48 spf sunscreen. I was the only one of our little gang that didn't get burnt and that's because I spent about 30 minutes, twice a day putting the stuff on. Let's just say if I hadn't I probably would have had 3rd degree burns and 10 kinds of skin cancer the way my skin works.

Here are the five of us again (four people and one sunscreen bottle) looking far less sober than we actually were. This is on the front side of Jonny Cay where we had roasted fish lunch... mmmmm....

On the west side of the island there were no beaches but instead this spiky eroding rock. I thought it just looked weird and pretty until I got a closer look and discovered that it contained the exact same patterns that we had seen in live coral earlier that day during snorkeling!!!!! So basically, big sections of the island rock are just slowly eroding fosilized coral beds! I thought this was awesome so I wandered around on it taking pictures and muttering to myself "this is so AWESOME!". My companions didn't seem to think it was awesome at all but they put up with me needind to do some scientific investigation.

Taken from a little restaurant on the South side of the island during our Scooter Trip. Sand, waves, rock, wind blowing in..... as the Colombian slang goes.... WHOOOOSH!!!!

Above is a better pic of the fosilized coral. IT'S AWESOME!!!

The first two pics here are of the main public beach on the North Side of San Andres. We went during a non-touristy time and basically had the run of the place. The picture to the left is water rushing up the fosilized banks on the west side of the island.
Woah... Fosilised stuff! Aswsome!!! No seriously it's effing sweet! i love coral!! That rocks! (could make a realy lame joke with 'it rocks' cause it's not a rock but it's a coral..)
I was worried that you weren't going to fit in Canada once you returned do to some hot Colombian tan. However, I am now reassured that you are probably pastier than myself. Thank goodness for sunscreen. Lookin' forward to seeing you soon dude.
yes, these pictures DO hate you more... wow that looks amazing! You'll have to take me there when I visit...
How do you manage to stay so pale in a tropical climate?! YOu look transparent compaired to your friends!
Really enjoyed talking to you yesterday darlin, can;t wait to see you!
Glad to see you are having a great time and protecting your skin at the same time... It's great that you consider the sunscreen as a person! lol
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