This is the fossil of a huge (head and neck as long as me) underwater predator. This one is actually a baby! They found this fossil and just built the museum around it. Villa de Leva used to be an ocean bed millions of years ago and there are tons of fossils to be found EVERYWHERE! You can basically just go walking and find some. People also build fancy walls out of them and sell them outside the museum. I bought a small one that is a round rock but splits open.

This is the main square in the town of Villa de Leva. It is the second largest cobblestone square in the world. There is a cool mountain behind it but you can't really see it because of the clouds.

I wish this one wasn't sideways.... I know how to fix it but I have to move it to my laptop first. Bascially, I found my first beer vending machine and felt the need to send home a pic to those in LCBO land. SUCKERS! I can buy beer from an airport vending machine! Colombia Rocks!!

Again, sorry this one is sideways. Yes, you are seeing right. This is an enormous penis. There is this huge park of giant stone phallis' built by the people pre-colombian people. They also have a huge calendar made of standing stones. It was really cool (feel free to insert your own penis joke at this point).
Wow Colombia is a great country. Easily accessible beer and giant penises. Who needs more?
Is it supposed to look like a giant penis, or did erosion just... do that...?
Yes, us sorry suckers and our 5% (not 4%) beer. Damn.
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