Colombia is a country that lives outdoors... even when you are indoors. The windows are always open, and there are lots and lots of them, and it's certainly not uncommon for walls to be missing. Actually, most of the classrooms at Colegio Bolivar only have three walls. The weather never turns cold or uncomfortable so this totally works. Anyway, living that open to the outside world invites in lots of dirt and dust and the pic above is my feet after several hours of walking around my apartment. I know, it seems gross but that's how it is here.... no rugs either. Jordan and I have adopted an evening ritual of washing our feet in the sink.

As requested by Aunt Bev and a couple of others, here is a shot of my new hair. Also pictured here are a couple of my students trying to look cool. I think this is actually the only time that I haven't seen them smiling, but when one is in grade 8 one must keep up appearances.
WOW! it's so weird to see you with no hair!!but it coolios! but the whole drit thing is just gross... i'm a clean freak.. and i don't know if i would be able to survive.. i would prob end up vaccuming the city bloc..
OMG Matt Roy without hair! It looks alright though; I was worried that you'd look like some sort of freak or something. You'd just better grow some hair back before we start Rendez-Vous-ing!
Just a suggestion . . . but instead of washing your feet everyday, could you not wash the floor?
I am actually surprisingly not appalled by the hair.
And am highly amused by the 'cool' looks.
Thats the wway my feet look too after an hour of walking around my apartment here in India- same dealy-o! Nice hair too... but, is your hairline receding mroe than usual?! Getting OLD are we?! Heehee. Have you figured out how to call India yet, as I keep trying to call you on the number you have and...no dice. I'd like to chat with you before the Xmas holidays if you get the chance!
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