Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Blog accessibility

You know... blogs are funny things. They are special because you can view them from anywhere, anytime (ok, not anywhere)

The catch to that is that there are times I can't write as much as I want to because anyone could check this (and, in fact, if you look up my name on Google you will find this Blog).

Which means that there are certain things that I'd love to tell people about but that really have no business going on a site that ANYONE can acess from home. I don't really have to do that much self-editing but but sometimes I almost start writing something and then remember the profession that I'm in and that I need to keep a professional appearance to some degree.

Sometimes I also catch myself writing about a friend or colleague in such as way that I have to erase it. Some people wouldn't want stories about their lives put up on a public space on the internet, which I totally appreciate. Especially for teachers with teach savvy students.

Of course I have to think about people who read this ..... my university friends might not apprecitate the same anecdote that my grandparents would be interested in etc...

I just find it funny how a blog seems like it would be a journal but ends up being COMPLETELY different.

P.S. How did you like that story that my friend in Mexico sent to me?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need to know EVERYTHING. :) OK, I understand that you have a varied audience, so send all the good details in an email.

1:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay, you're back! I was hoping that might happen :)

One of the features of LiveJournal is that you can set particular posts to be private, or for people on your friends list only. It seems like a pretty cool idea in some ways, but at the same time part of the appeal of a blog is that you're putting stuff out there for the world to see.

I'm looking forward to more cool pics of Columbia!

9:06 AM  

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