This is the view of the direction towards the hot springs.... 1/2 of our group stayed in the little hotel up ahead.

This is the place where the rest of us stayed (including myself). We were up in the loft room up top. Three beds and four people but I was the only boy and since my legs are so long I got a double bed to myself and slept diagonally on it. It was more uncomfortable than the beds at the old fort (and very comparable since it was a wooden slat bed) but I slept really well. Probably had something to do with a five hour hike followed by some hot springs.

This is the hill right behind our place that I climbed on sunday morning. I think that it looks a lot shorter in this view than it actually is. It's terraced from years and years of cows wandering up and down the hill.

Here is most of our group. Scott on the left (married to Sonia in the orange), Bonnie is next who is my new life mentor. She used to teach grade 8 at Bolivar a couple of years ago and has really helped me out. She's also one of the most interesting and positive people I've ever met. Regan is next, she lives in El Ingenio with me, then Caroline who is in her second year at the school, Sonia and finally some dashing young Colombian fellow who we met there.

Ok, first of all I swear that I don't wear that shirt every day. I just happen to really like it and wear it on the weekends so if you see it in pretty much every picture I ever post that's why. Here I'm about to try jumping from rock to rock but am a little scared that my left ankle is going to give out. Scott thought it would be good to be prepared to capture the moment just incase that happend.
liar... I bet you wear that shirt everyday...dirtbag. :)
Just kidding! I miss you too hun, and I am very jelous of your adventures! Its so beautiful there!
Talk to you soon hun, thanks for the note in my journal
Hey look! It's the gimped ankle crew! I was also about to make a comment on the shirt but Sag beat me to it... So I'll just pray that you're at least washing your underwear before wearing it more than once.
Man, I'm slow on the uptake. I was going to also make a comment on your frequent choice of attire but was also beaten to it, twice over. I'm disappointed in myself.
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