Back from a trip to Selento with my best friend Giardia

Ok, as you might have guessed from the title I've contracted giardia (or beaver fever as we Canucks call it sometimes). I've pretty much had the runs pretty bad since Friday morning. That didn't stop me from going away thought!
This weekend was a long weekend (didn't take long in the school year to get to one of those hey?) and I went to the town of Selento with my friends Aaron, Aloni, Regan, and Caroline. It was a 4 hour bus trip to Armenia (the town) and then another hour to Selento. We stayed there (I felt awful by this point) and then traveled to the Valle del Corcora, a beautiful nearby valley where we stayed. I did some swimming, walking (I want to say "hiking" but I wasn't up for hiking), visited a trout farm, and spent lots of time in the hammock near the bathroom. It was a great view but the Giardia symptoms were getting me down a bit. It's not that bad but I just don't feel well and I have to force myself to eat anything. Tomorrow I should be able to get some meds for it. I haven't seen a doctor yet (that's tomorrow's plan) but apparently having your burps taste like sulphur is the number 1 sign.
Anyway, a fun weekend had by all and a lot of time spend in the company of the necessary on my end.
awww you found your tree soul mate
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