My new toy / I've only been shocked twice this year

"Mr., Ms. _____ found this in her closet and doesn't know what it is so she wanted to know if you want it."
So now I am the proud owner of a Quizbowl buzzer system complete with buzzers and lightbulbs of different colours. So unbelievably cool. I've been playing a review game with the grade 8's and using these things and I don't let them use the buzzers whenever they feel like it during the game so I occasionally have to just let them go to town for 5 seconds or so. You can see it start to build up in the kids eyes ("must..... push.... button!!!!!!!!).
"Mr. I can't help it, I have to push the button" has become the most common phrase in my class. My students are wonderful but don't let them near any rocket mounted nuclear warheads any time soon.
On a brighter note I've only been electrically shocked twice this semester so I'm about on pace to tie last year (anyone remember the electrified stainless steel counter that I had at the beginning of last year?). I got shocked plugging a glue gun into an overhead socket (must have a short somewhere) and I got shocked today right in front of the kids when I tried to clean off the heads of one of the buzzers without unplugging them. I'm very bright. When we get to the electricity unit I will just be able to remind them "he ladies and gentlemen, remember the time when I touched a live circuit right in front of you? Boy did I jump hey?
As long as I don't have a repeat of the 'student trying to plug a home made electromagnet into a wall socket' incident I'll be happy.
best thing i remember about science class? buttons. and electricity. you're brilliant!
most common phrase heard in my class: "ONE MORE WEEK UNTIL VACATION"... oh wait -- that's me, not the kids.
-- karina
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