Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Metric Babies

What is a baby's mass in metric.

I know that the usual line is 7lbs __ ounces........ but umm...... non metric systems suck.


Metric has been around since the late 1700's. Let's get with it people.

From now on I'm defining myself as a metric only person. I've already got my height down (thank you Ontario Drivers Licence) and I can't do farenheit anyway (except for -40 degrees because it's almost the same as metric and 451 degrees because... um... no reason) so it seems like a natural move.

Now I've just got to conquer the mass barrier (that's right I'm also discarding the term weight unless I'm under water or on the moon).

So let's start with babies (like my brother's new lil' tyke). 7lb 4oz is

16 oz in a pound....
makes 116 ounces for the baby
0.0283 kilograms per ounce
=3.29 kilograms.

Ok, so Ellianora Roy is 3.29 kg. Or was... yesterday. I think babies grow pretty fast.

You heard it here first.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Sky was 3210 grams (babies are measured in grams, not kilos) and you were 3550 grams. Chubby.

1:12 PM  

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