Ok, here is our student council bake sale, conducted on Sports Day as a fundraising event. We sold EVERYTHING so it must have been a success. Bonnie and I are the advisors for Middle School Student Council.

This is what I live for right here. Friday basketball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Every friday right after school I get together with a bunch of teachers, most from Bolivar but some from other schools, and play basketball for about three hours. The guy who is dribbling in the picture (Matt Shannon) is really big into basketball and has taken me to play in a Cali neighborhood before.

This is one of two bulldogs (this is the mother of a mother-daughter combination) that belong to our neighbors in the apartment building. Whenever the two doors are open Amilia (shown here) and Sarah just march right in like they own the place and hang out or fall asleep or chase our basketball around the apartment. It's great! It's like having two dogs without having to feed them or send them somewhere else when we travel. The downside so far, Amelia let a HUGE pee go on our kitchen floor one night when we were cooking dinner and Sarah pushed one of our plant pots over and broke it. But Jordan and I heartily agree that it's a small price to pay to have to company of cute dogs.

Here is the Canadian Thanksgiving party. Can you spot the Canadian in this picture?

Here is the aftermath of the bash. Still some Canadian flavour but a lot messier.
Ok, I'm trying to post a bunch of pictures but I'm having some trouble putting them where I want them. The Canadiana pics don't want to go in with the Canadian Thanksgiving message so I'm just going to slap a bunch of them together and try to write underneath what each of them is for.
Here goes...
Instresting blog!
Regards from Finland!
Your road trips are much more fun than ours. But we ( the persian Ladies) decided we should go to Thunder Bay to see the Last performance of "The Turn Of The Screw" ( remember we are from Minneapolis so it is a Drive). we were going to to be visiting The North Shore so we continued up to TB. The play was great. They did a wonderful job Well worth the extra drive.
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