Monday, May 22, 2006

Crazy times around the election

Hi all,

Over the next little while you may hear some news stories about Geurilla terrorist acts and other random crazy things going on in Colombia (especially if you've got CNN). Not to worry. I'm fine. The presidential elections are coming up for Colombia (looks like Uribe is going to win again by a landslide) and 'disruptions' and 'demonstrations' are not unusual. The FARQ are also recognising their anniversary soon which may involve blowing up things.

My point in writing this is to say that it's not something to worry about. I'm fine and I will remain fine. The biggest thing that we have seen and will see in Cali is the students at the public university down the road rioting a bit and getting tear gassed by the cops. All harmless good times. Ok, I kid, but seriously, I'm in absolutely no danger. The election weekend is a long weekend and I plan to just stay home and relax. Maybe spend some serious time in the hammock.

So keep your ears tuned to the news. You'll probably hear about things before I do.

