Well, today is the immaculate conception holiday for all those Catholics out there (as well as all of us non-catholics who live in latin america) so I'm spending the day off writing my end of semester exam. Nothing like mandating exams for grade 6-8 students! It's actually surprisingly fun to write exams though..... I don't really know why.
So in Colombia they celebrate the holiday by nearly lighting the city on fire the night before. Last night, every person in Cali goes outside and lights candles (many of them in paper bags) and places them along the sidewalks and streets. The whole city is filled up with lights. My neighborhood (El Ingenio) is also known for its gaudy and rediculously over the top Christmas lights so it was an especially bright night in Ingenio. I told that if Jordan and I don't get some Christmas lights our neighbors will start to come and harass us as December gets on.
Anyway, last night I went up north to the neighborhood of San Antonio for a tradition called the Vaca Loca. Basically it involves some guy dressing up in a cow costume, strapping fireworks to his body and running through the streets. It's super hilly in that neighborhood and the streets were just PACKED with people. There was a stage and performers and everone singing and dancing. Lots of fun and really wacky. It was mostly the funky, university student crowd so it was a big change from the Unicentro plastic surgeried, super tight pants wearing crowd that I'm more used to seeing in the south.
Speaking of plastic surgery: One of my students asked me yesterday if I'd had a nosejob. I kind of laughed if off but she said to me, "Meester, you didn't answer my question." At this point I realized that she was actually serious so I explained that my nose was completely natural and I got only from my mom's genetic influence (thanks mom:). Anyway, she and her friend proceeded to tell me that I have a really nice nose. Not your everyday conversation but I flattered nonetheless I suppose.
We also had our middle school party last night and we had a little secret santa revealing. I was also having one of my "ok" Spanish days so I did the whole little description of my secret santa person in spanish .... a daring feat considering I'm, by far, the worst spanish speaker in middle school. I guess that's what happens when there are only two new middle school staff and the other one speaks pretty good spanish. Most of my colleagues are just happy if I give it a try even if they can't figure out what the heck I'm trying to say. I also gave my salsa dancing another go. I figured everyone there is used to gringos failing horribly at salsa dancing so I wouldn't be as much of a spectacle as when I go out to the club (Trust me (and Jordan, and Scott, and Tim, and all the other gringo dudes) when you go out and try and salsa, EVERY person in the building turns to looks with this sick fascination).
Ok, back to exam writing.
I'm listening to Canoe Songs Vol I right now. If anyone knows about a VOL II please let me know.
Love Matt