Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cali apparently has a Monsoon season of 1 day

Ok, it has seemed like less people have been writing me fun comments since the amount of pictures that I post has dropped so in this post you will find a picture of me giving the big “Thumbs UP”. Not terribly exciting, but you really couldn’t see that right now unless you were in Cali (or unless you have a picture of me doing the same thing, but how likely is that!)

Yesterday Cali was invaded by the biggest rainstorm I’ve been through in a long time. It started while I was at school and just poured. I was on the teacher bus on the way home and I hopped off and ran across one intersection to go to the HomeCenter store to buy some pulleys. By the time I got there I was as wet as I would have been had I gone swimming and my shoulders started to get sore from having to carry the excess shirt weight. At HomeCenter is dripped down the pulleys and clamps aisle and bought about 10 small ones for a class group activity and 2 big ones. I’m going to try to rig up a pulley system with my hammock chair so the kids can pull themselves up in the air….. SO COOL!!!!! (actually it’s really just for me to have fun. Forget the kids).

I was taking a taxi home and we turned down a street that had particularly poor drainage. The water was so high that it started to come in the bottom of the taxi doors and slosh around on the floor. Good thing the cab was an old one.

Gotta run, here come the grade 8’s!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2006

New Teacher Website

The Colegio Bolivar new teacher website is being redone right now, and for anyone that is interested in doing some reading about things down here I thought I would post the link. Trust me, it's easier than trying to read about Cali in spanish.

Be well.

Late Night Noise

Well, Jordan beat me again. I held the weekly record for a little while for "Most innappropriatly noisy neighbors" when the people downstairs decided to have a rediculously loud 43rd birthday party last Tuesday. Listening to "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH...... WWEEEEE.... THUMP... AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH ......" till one in the morning isn't a terribly pleasant experience. However, Jordan beat me when he was in the North and his girlfriends neighbor decided to blast salsa music at a volume higher than most night clubs, from 4am to 8am....... on a Sunday. Nice guy.

Last week felt like a great teaching week for me. Now that the kids are back I'm trying out some new things to streamline and structure classes a little bit more and, on the whole, they are working out. The best of which is doing a warmup at the beginning. The kids profess not to like it but it changes class from, me doing whatever necessary to get their attention to explain things at the beginning to them coming in and knowing that they should look at the thing circled in red marker on the board and just do that.

I went hiking to a waterfall this weekend with Aaron and Aloni (the grade 9 science teacher, and his girlfriend who is also Bonnie(the grade 6 science teacher)'s daughter), as well as Tim and Kate and their two dogs. It was nice to get out of the city for a while. I think that I missed that more than I realized. The city is great but I don't know if I'll ever really be used to it.

Time to start packing up for the day so I can catch that 3:30 bus. Bye for now:)

Monday, January 16, 2006

Lots of Sleep

YAY for me. I actually got to sleep at 10pm last night and am not tired at work for the first time in a while. Let's see if I can keep this up.

Sunday, January 15, 2006

This Week

Well, not a whole heck of a lot to tell.... One great story though.

Al and Rick are two teachers who also teach in Cali with me (but at another school) who are in their early thirties and live together as roomates. Al recently got a new girlfriend and when the girlfriend was coming over she asked if she could bring a friend to meet his roomate. Al asked Rick and since he was just planning on spending the day in the house relaxing he agreed that it would be fine. When the ladies arrived the friend said to Rick... "Do you remember me?". Turns out it was a student that he had taught back when she was in grade 7 and he was brand new to Cali (now 22). YIKES!!! So they chatted and caught up but it ended there. This totally reminded me of one of those age defying creame commercials.

Some SUPER news. It looks like Em is going to be able to come visit me here in Cali for three weeks in april!!!!!!

I've put up all kinds of pictures next to my desk and my students have been super curious as to who everyone is. Colombian kids are really, really social and always interested in learning more about people.... it's a really nice quality.

Thoughts on Blogs

Blogs are funny things. On one hand they feel like a private journal... a chance to write down whatever I want and how I'm really feeling. On the other hand they are about as public as something can be without being a billboard. Anyone, anywhere who has an internet connection can check it out.

Actually I just typed my name into Google to see what came up (my students have told me that they've done this with my name) and I can in fourth after the Timex Mechanic, the Texas teacher of the year and the Professional Bull Rider. On one hand very flattering that I'm the number four 'Matt Roy' on the internet but on the other hand it makes it really easy for anyone who wants to, to see it.

I've read blogs where people share things that they might not share with anyone in person, simply because they can get it out in writing..... it's a funny line to walk.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Back From Christmas

Time to take a break from rockin' out in my classroom while I clean things up to procrastinate from lesson planning (yes, that's right. I'm procrastinating from procrastinating). I'll stop talking about procrastinating now though, because personally it drives my crazy when people go on at length about how they are procrastinating or about how they are the best procrastinators. I think it's just my generation too. I actually can't think of a time that I've heard someone several years older than me talk about it..... It's probably an ICQ/MSN/Insert-random-internet-instant-messenger-program-of-your-choice thing. Everyone I know is hooked on those things. I suppose that I would be too if I had an internet connection of any significance at my apartment.

So I'm back in Cali and the students show up tommorrow. I won't spend too much time recounting the holidays because most people that seem to be my avid readers (and there certainly are far more than my writing talent deserves..... (darn Yarn Harlot making the rest of us look bad by comparison (on an interesting note, I think that Aunt Bev wins the award for most frequent checker.... perhaps tied with my mom))) saw me over the holidays or at least are very familiar with what a NW Ontario Christmas entails. In the end I did manage to get travellers insurance (I've had to cancel my OHIP for tax purposes) thanks to my dear mothers timely reminder and flew off to Thunder Bay via Houston and Toronto. My carry-on were super thoroughly searched on the way out of the Cali airport, probably because of my drug mule look alikeness. Speaking of Colombia and drugs, I have to thank everyone who avoided the "So, how bout that Cocaine" comment while trying to be funny. Yes Colombia does illegally export a lot of drugs but it does have a million and one other interesting and wonderful things about it. Plus it's mainly sending coke to rich north american whities anyway. Let me provide a sample conversation of what not to say to someone who is teaching in Colombia:

Person1: "So how was Colombia"
Person2: "Fantastic, what an interesting place."
P1: "So are you a drug lord now? (giggle, giggle)"
P2: "hahah (annoyed laughter), well, seriously it was a challenge to learn spanish but the people are really nice and very patient"
P1: "So did you marry some drug lords daughter or something."
P2: "Ya, sure. Why not."
P1: "And did people ask you to be a coke mule.... and if so did you bring some back for me AHAHAHAHHAAHAHHA."
P2: "Well, actually I was mostly too busy teaching to go searching through the eastern jungle for coke plantations."
P1: "So are the kids mostly druglords kids?"
At this point P2 snaps and breaks a chair over P1's head and then is forced to flee the country or face charges of aggravated assault.

I actually only had this conversation with old highschool friends who I ran into in the mall (and I'm pretty sure they don't read this) so to those of you who resisted the urge or suspected my chair flinging move I appreciate it.

So where was I..... oh yes. I flew into Toronto and my University pals Simon and Omar picked me up and actually made signs. I can't remember what they said but I'm sure it was funny. I finally got to watch some of a raptors game at Omar's apartment and in the morning he drove me to the airport to fly back to Thunder Bay.

Ok, I'm pretty sure that everyone who actually reads this (except Eric, and Tara) saw me during the holidays so I'll skip the stories there. Christmas is like my "happy place" though so it was so nice to be home.

Leaving was actually really hard. Saying goodbye to Em, the snow, my dog, mom and dad, and the whole rest of the family (I mean no dissresspect to anyone by my choice of order..... mom and dad I do love you more than snow). I got really used to being able to make myself understood. The flight home was a full day of travelling. Emily dropped me at the airport at about 5:30am and I didn't get back to my apartment till 11pm. Jon Fabian, who is a taxi driver in Cali that a lot of the teachers at the school call for rides, picked me up at the airport and I had to apologise to him early on for being so incredibly bad at speaking spanish. Three weeks away really put me out of the headspace but I'm getting back into it now.

I brought some Cheddar Cheese back with me and Jordan and I savoured some last night. For a guy who doesn't really like cheese that cheddar sure tasted good. I think Jordan just about died from shock from eating GOOD cheese for the first time in six months. It sounded like he had a good holiday with his family but I think it was a bit stressful for him to play family planner and tour guide. It sounded like he had to use the phrase "Did I get here before you" on several occassions when visiting a place he'd never been before.

Well, my profession is calling. I should have SOMTHING ready for the horde of 13 year olds that will be storming in the door tommorrow.

Be well,

Love Matt