Well, you can add SCUBA diving to the short list of recreational activities that I am crazy for. So far I'm at:
1. Basketball
2. Parapenting (paragliding)
I only really need 3 hobbies.
I returned to the small town of Taganga on the North coast of Colombia over the American Thanksgiving weekend recently to do a diving course. Taganga is the same town that I used as a launching point for the Lost City last April when I went there with Em and Tim & Kate.
My dive instructor was this funny German guy who smoked like a chimney between dives, but was a fantastic dive teacher.
Turns out I'm pretty darn good at equalizing my airspaces. I can descend very quickly.
I did a full day of practice stuff and then two 12 meter dives and two 18 meter dives. I think I'm hooked. If I can find a way to do my advanced course I could do a bunch more fun dives.....
We also played a game of '1000 blank white cards', which is the best game of all time. You make up the cards as your trip progresses and you can basically do whatever you want. It leads to hilarity pretty fast.
The pictures below are from a friends camera b/c I haven't gotten mine yet. My poor computer is in the shop:(